
This card is also ideal for anyone looking for their first credit card and wants to build a good credit rating. Even those who have already filed for bankruptcy can qualify for the card. This card falls under the three major credit bureaus, which is great if you want to boost your credit score. You can also use this card without paying a deposit upfront, unlike other cards for people with bad credit.Destiny-Credit-Card

The card is serviced by Genesis FS Card Services, Inc. and issued by First Electronic Bank and Member FDIC. The card reports account history to the three major credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. These three credit bureaus collect information to establish your credit score. Therefore, proper use of the Destiny Cards can improve your score. There is also fraud protection that can protect you from unauthorized purchases.

The Destiny Credit Card offers identity theft protection and zero liability protection. Destiny says Identity Theft Protection “provides comprehensive identity checks covering your social security number, email addresses, debit cards, credit cards, bank accounts, username and your passwords for logins, web sessions, etc.” Liability protection ensures that you are not detained for unauthorized transactions. While there are no reward programs, Destiny allows you to choose a map theme.Destiny-Credit-Card-MasterCard

Though the amount may seem insignificant, this unsecured card can help you build a positive credit history. You’ll have your card activity reported to all three major credit agencies. So you can enjoy the convenience of a credit card and create a consistent payment record. DestinyCard.com The Destiny Credit Card is an unsecured credit card that you can use to build credit. In addition, all cardholders can access the MyDestinyCard.com online portal 24/7 to manage their account from any device.

While the card’s credit criteria are designed to support disputed credit, there is no approval guarantee. The card issuer, Genesis Financial Solutions, also allows applicants to qualify for the card. You won’t further damage your credit by applying and being declined if you don’t qualify.